The International Labour Organization’s Global Business and Disability Network launched last week the #InvalidOpinions campaign on stereotypes and discrimination in the workplace.
When it comes to disability, everyone has an opinion. Still, many invalid opinions hold back millions of people with disabilities globally from entering and progressing in the workplace. Oftentimes, people with disabilities continue to be dismissed, judged or belittled. Mostly, these invalid opinions and comments aren’t even intended to be malicious. They’re well-meaning, but miss the mark, because the person making them assumes the person they’re addressing is weaker, more vulnerable, or less likely to succeed professionally and in life in general because of their disability.
The #invalidopinions campaign puts a spotlight on a number of individuals defying these invalid opinions every day – asking the viewer to confront their own beliefs and misconceptions that might be inadvertently contributing to millions of individuals worldwide, being held back in the world of work. Your opinion matters. Make sure it’s valid.
Download the social media package (PDF)