World Hearing Day

World Hearing Day 2024 was held with the theme of “Changing Mindsets”. EFHOH, together with partners from AEA and EHIMA continued with the tradition of holding a  Parliamentary Lunch Debate. 

The Virtual Lunch Debate was hosted this year by MEP Jaroslaw Duda ( Poland). 

Some interesting statistics: In total more than 250 people registered for the debate and we had 169 active attendees from in total 28 countries, stretching from Australia, the Philippines, India, South Africa, Brazil, and the United States.  Most participants came from Europe, with Poland, the country of MEP Duda on top with 50 attendees, followed by Belgium (32), UK, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Italy. 

Thank you to everyone who participated! Below, please find all recorded presentations. 

About World Hearing Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) World Hearing Day is an annual advocacy event held on 3 March each year to raise awareness on how to prevent hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world. It has been organized since 2007 and was first introduced in Beijing, China.

Since 2013, EFHOH in co-operation with EHIMA and AEA has annually organized a Lunch Debate in the European Parliament especially aimed at MEPs and national policymakers in Europe. The event has been hosted by MEPs such as Helga Stevens (Belgium), Ádám Kósa (Hungary), and Roberta Metsola (Malta).



EFHOH board member and featured speaker, Darja Pajk, at the 2019 Lunch Debate below: