EFHOH Letter of Protest – HeAL Conference 2020

EFHOH Letter of Protest – HeAL Conference 2020

Letter of Protest
To the organizing team of HeAL Conference 2020.

HeAL – Hearing across the Life Span – aims to be one of the leading conferences World Wide
on topics around audiology spreading widely in themes from early diagnosis in children as well
as adults to life with a hearing loss – now even for elderly people.
Throughout the years the HeAL conference has also aimed to show and prove developments
within this very area.

EFHOH – European Federation Hard of Hearing – Secretary, Ms Aïda Regel Poulsen, submitted
an abstract to speak at the conference. Also partners from the ERASMUS+ Project
LiveTextAccess (www.ltaproject.eu) applied. On 7th February 2020 Aïda Regel Poulsen received
an e-mail from Dr. Ferdinando Grandori stating, that “the HeAL Conference is not able to
cope with persons with special needs and therefore there shall be no Speech To Text
(STT) nor Sign Language (SL) interpretation”, which Mr Grandori explains is how it has been
done for about twenty years now.

To view or download EFHOH’s Letter of Protest, please click here.