TEG: Survey on Obstacles to Independent Mobility

TEG: Survey on Obstacles to Independent Mobility


Dear experts,

Thanks to your excellent feedback we have now finalized the EDF survey on obstacles to independent mobility and it is online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IndependentMobility

Encoding it in the software was not so easy but it should work – in case you notice any glitches just let me know and I can fix it.

Thank you for answering it and spreading it as widely as possible in your networks, every answer is valuable and will help defining the EDF policy priorities and positions in the coming years!

Best regards,


Marie Denninghaus
Policy Coordinator
European Disability Forum | nothing about us without us
tel +32 2 329 00 61| skype Marie EDF

Avenue des Arts 7– 8, B-1210 Bruxelles
marie.denninghaus@edf-feph.org – www.edf-feph.org

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