The EU Disability Platform: Advancing Disability Rights across the European Union

The EU Disability Platform: Advancing Disability Rights across the European Union

EFHOH is an active member of the Disability Platform ensuring hard of hearing people are included in crucial policy discussions and are actively involved in shaping initiatives aimed at promoting equal opportunities and improving accessibility across the EU.

The EU Disability Platform is a key initiative of the European Commission’s Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, bringing together all EU Member States, 14 civil society organizations (including EFHOH), and EU institutions in a collaborative effort to uphold the rights outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

The Disability Platform aims to promote non-discrimination, equal participation, and the improvement of quality of life for persons with disabilities across the EU. One of its key functions is to serve as a forum for exchanging best practices and fostering innovation in policies related to disability inclusion. It also supports the preparation of policy initiatives and legislative proposals, promoting better coordination between national authorities, EU institutions, and civil society stakeholders.

Plenary meetings take place three times a year, with additional ad-hoc workgroup meetings on delivering specific tasks agreed in Action Plans.

All members of the Disability Platform are listed in the official Register.

More information about the Disability Forum can be found here.