Workshop on COVID-19 Survey Results

Workshop on COVID-19 Survey Results


C0VID-19 Impacts on Hard of Hearing Persons

The world as we know it changed dramatically for everyone across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The impacts continue as the second wave of the pandemic is being felt.  Its impact on persons who are hard of hearing has been compounded by measures such as social distancing and the wearing of face-covering masks.  As hard of hearing persons we usually need to be in close proximity and to be able to read lips to augment our hearing. To assess the impact, the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH), with its regional networks, the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People and the Asia Pacific Federation of the Deafened and Hard of Hearing, and the International Hard of Hearing Young People (IFHOHYP) conducted a survey.

We are pleased to share the results with you on the IFHOH website of and the IFHOHYP website at We are also holding a webinar to further share results and discuss issues arising from the survey. We will also share resources and technologies that may help the situation.  Details follow:


Date:     Monday, August 24, 2020

Time:     7 am PDT, 10 am EDT, 4 pm CEST, 9 pm ICT Duration: 90 minutes

Platform:  Zoom – please register  in advance at

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.


Accessibility: Realtime captioning and International Sign Language will be provided.


Presenters:         Dr. Ruth Warick, President, IFHOH

                                Mr. Avi Blau, Vice-President, IFHOH

                                Mr. Bowen Tang, President, IFHOHYP


Special thanks to the International Disability Alliance for their support in arrangements for this webcast.

To view or download the poster, please click here.