International Conference on Mental Health and Hearing Loss

  • 19

  • Apr

  • days left

International Conference on Mental Health and Hearing Loss

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19-20 April 2024

The European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH) invites you to join us for our annual conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This year, we are co-organizing the event with our host, the Slovenian Association of Hard of Hearing and Deaf People, and we are grateful for their support and hospitality.

This international conference is entitled “Navigating Mental Health and Hearing Loss, Self-care, Challenges, and Solutions in the Field of Mental Well-Being”,

The purpose of the conference is to shed light on the significance of mental health of the hard of hearing. The focus will be on research and data regarding the impact of hearing loss on mental health, critical importance of accessibility in daily lives of those with hearing loss, spanning across all life stages, and how inclusion in education, work and informal settings can positively influence mental well-being, as well as introducing practices that emphasize mental health care of individuals with hearing loss and tinnitus.

Conference details

The conference will take place on Friday, 19 April 2024, at the Hotel Lev, located in the city centre of Ljubljana.

The conference registration, the hotel listings, and the program of both the conference and the other activities are now available on the dedicated webpage.  Navigating Mental Health and Hearing Loss Self-Care, Challenges, and Solutions in the Field of Mental Well-Being –


Members have received their invitation and registration details for the Annual General Meeting on 20th April 2024.

Contact information

If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to contact Claire Landesmann, the EFHOH secretary

  • 19 Apr
  • -148 days left