Posted Saturday February 17, 2024 by efhoh

Join us for a celebration of the World Hearing Day!

Traditionally, every year, the joined associations, AEA – EFHOH and EHIMA organise a Virtual Lunch Debate from the European Parliament

This year the theme is: “World Hearing Day 2024 – Changing Mindsets – Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”

The host is MEP Jarosław Duda (Poland , EPP)

The Date: Tuesday the 5th of March 2024 12:30-14:30h CET

The program:

  • Welcome – MEP Jarosław Duda
  • WHO World Hearing Day theme – Shelly Chadha -WHO
  • Why we need to change mindsets – Lidia Best , CPACC – EFHOH
  • Myths and reality on hearing loss and hearing care – Mark Laureyns – AEA
  • Changing the Mindsets on Hearing Care- Stefan Launer – EHIMA
  • Debate – All
  • Conclusion – MEP Jarosław Duda

The lunch debate is accessible by live speech to text and subtitles in English.

Participation is free but registration is required in the link below:…/reg…/WN_OWVcGCa-TGebSHBPFbNWng